Mentoring and Coaching
Only through authentic, trusting, committed relationships, such as with positive mentoring and coaching experiences, can the field of education be transformed to better meet the needs of students. Furthermore, with the prioritization and cultivation of these relationships, the worlds of technology and e-learning, are also transformed and are free to be more innovative, with people paying these philosophies forward. Whether for a more finite and linear time as with mentoring, or for a more permanent and cyclical relationship as with coaching, the greatest contribution I can make is to create an atmosphere of respect, safety, collaboration, and empowerment.
Mentoring & Coaching Reflection
Paying It Forward
While I was honored to be designated the Teacher of the Year for 2021, the role that strong relationships played in the nomination of the other two deserving teachers was the most rewarding element and is the essence of mentoring and coaching.
Collaboration Menu
As a teacher, my goal was always to coach my students out of needing me and I feel the same about coaching teachers. One way I have built transparency in my relationships with teachers, collective efficacy, and most importantly, trust is to create a collaboration menu. This menu provides specifics on what instructional coaching can provide, offers voice and choice to teachers, and poses probing questions upfront in the hopes that eventually teachers will begin to ask these questions for themselves. Click on the image below for a closer look at collaboration and transparency in action.