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Online Learning

I am passionate about not only designing engaging online content but also creating a community where learners feel confident exploring, working at their own pace, and participating in effective feedback practices. Whether synchronous, asynchronous, a flipped classroom model, or a composition, well designed online learning can promote critical thinking skills and real-world application for all learners. 

Marble Surface

Quality Online Content

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At the onset of the pandemic, I was honored to be asked by the St. Vrain Valley Schools Curriculum Department to help develop a detailed resource for the Seesaw learning platform. Please follow the link below to view the tutorial document. 

Marble Surface

Introducing New Content

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Beginning the school year remotely was challenging in multiple ways. How to ensure the development of classroom culture and community was of course the priority, layered with how to most effectively and engagingly introduce new content. These science-based learning strategies were an essential foundation for my students regardless of online or in-person logistics. Please follow the link below for a view of this introduction. 

Marble Surface

Flipped Instruction

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Flipped classroom instruction can be utilized in either online or blended learning settings. Given the reduced in-person instruction time of the 2020 school year, and after determining the Lexile level of our district's textbook was accessible to almost all students, I created online lesson plans for the social studies content. Students were empowered to study new material independently freeing class time for questions, projects, and rich discussion. Please follow the link below for a view of this flipped instruction sample. 

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